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All dogs are carefully screened for aggression or any extreme behavior by an experienced staff member prior to joining the pack.


For many dogs walking in a pack is a new experience. Here are some common questions people have when considering pack walks.




What if my dog?


Is shy or anxious when socializing? 


- Pack walks are a great way to socialize dogs that tend to be shy or anxious. It gives these dogs a chance to socialize in a controlled setting. 


Doesn't always get along with other dogs? 


- It's ok as long as your dog is not outwardly aggressive towards other dogs, or have any history of unprovoked aggression towards other dogs. 


Doesn't like strangers? 


- Our experienced handlers are very good at forming a bond with even the shyest of dogs. As long as your dog is not aggressive towards people we'll be able to make your pup at home with the pack.


Has issues on leash?


- Pack walks are a great setting to work on leash ettiqute. Dogs learn from the pack what is expected on leash.   



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